Atuna is a village in the Wenchi municipality of the Bono region of Ghana. The Natives of the village are Basically farmers. The standard of living is very poor as they lack the various basic social amenities which will give them a better living standards. There is neither a health facility nor school, neither is there any proper drinking water, children from this community trek or walk 4-5 miles every morning to the next town (Awisa) to attend school. This is a great worry to the people of this village. Charismata Steward Ministries went to Atuna with their Medical Team which usually performs the task of health screening and also commence treatment of the sick but poor people that they diagnose at their various donation and health screening programs. Charismata Steward Ministries During this Donation programe sent Wheel Chairs, Walkers, crotches, Shoes, Clothing, drinks, cookies or biscuits, toys, diapers, etc and DONATED them to the people of Atuna. After the Donation and screening Exercise the Team doctors discovered so many Hernia cases in the town of Atuna which Charismata has already funded over 20 surgical treatment and are still on going. . WATCH NOW
It was in this village that a Bay who complained of vomiting Blood was diagnosed of a serious illness and was suddenly admitted at the Jitrock hospital and giving blood infusion to save his life. This town also has a girl with twins who is suffering from buruli Ulcer treatment has commenced for her too and the wound is almost healed but she needs a skin drafting to complete her treatment. we therefore encourage everyone to DONATE NOW to support this Good and devine course. WATCH NOW