
Author name: Max Opoku-Fofie

My breast Cancer is killing me, I need your Help:- DEBORA Cries

Debora From Koforidua Tinkong Nyamebekyere, called Charismata steward Ministries and cried for help as her Breast cancer was getting out of hands. Charismata visited her immediately and took her to koforidua hospital we paid for her labs and the next chemotherapy. On the Team’s arrival at her residence, she complained of serious pains as she

My breast Cancer is killing me, I need your Help:- DEBORA Cries Read More »

Support for the Aged.

charismata Steward Ministries is an N.G.O. that supports the aged in various communities in different ways. As a result of Aging sometimes the human body becomes week and therefore making it difficult to walk and sometimes some aged people remain in bed. Charismata provides them with the basic needs such as Wheelchairs , walking sticks,

Support for the Aged. Read More »


Atuna is a village in the Wenchi municipality of the Bono region of Ghana. The Natives of the village are Basically farmers. The standard of living is very poor as they lack the various basic social amenities which will give them a better living standards. There is neither a health facility nor school, neither is


Help to Eric from Ashalajah

Eric is from a town called Ashalaja, a town in Ghana west Africa. he suffers an illness which crippled him at infancy. Both of his parents are Dead and his grandmother can barely feed him and take proper care of him. In an interview with her they had even wanted to kill him but for

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